Personality Types

Use this lesson to earn what makes your personality type tick, uncover your strengths and weaknesses, and use these tools to gain a better understanding of others.


  1. Gain self awareness, identify your motivations, strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Identify and create a strategy for self exploration, self management, and growth.

  3. Develop an understanding for the viewpoints of others based on their personality types

  4. Learn to improve communication skills by learning the language of others. 


Is not knowing yourself holding you back? “I need to work on myself”. We say it all the time, but what does it mean? Truth is, we really don’t take time to get to know ourselves and understand how our personality plays into our actions. If we understand who we are and our personality traits better, it will lead to better outcomes. I know I am far from perfect, but I never really understood how to know myself better or how it could help me.

Understanding my personality type was a great starting point. But that’s where most of us stop. Why? Because we’re pretty good as we are and mostly because, well… To work on yourself takes… work! And what do you even work on? A personality test like the MTBI and a personal self-inventory tool is a great place to start. It also helps to have a goal in mind on why you want to improve.
When knowledge, tools, hard work and drive combine, success is the inevitable result! 


  1. Take a personality quiz. Examples:, Gallup Strengths Finder, Enneagram Test, etc.

  2. Read or listen to your results.

  3. Share results with teammate(s) and learn about their personality.

  4. Identify something about your personality type that has helped you succeed.

  5. Identify something about your personality you would like to change and write down something you can do to improve it.

  6. Do you think we all benefit from so many different personality types? Why?



Self Awareness