Learn life and business skills by making your community a better place.
No Rules? No Problem
Become a Builder and you’ll have the creative freedom to build any community project you like. You’ll get the real-world, hands-on learning experience of a lifetime with expert coaches guiding you every step of the way. Oh, yeah… did we mention that our Builders get $10,000 in project funding every year? Don’t just dream it—build it with SeeGeorgeGo.
Get Real World Ready
Welcome to the SeeGeorgeGo revolution. Our dynamic learning model was designed to accommodate every student’s unique learning style. Allied by a team of expert coaches, our Builders get real-world ready by learning new skills one step at a time. Because let’s be honest: Real life isn’t like school at all. Not a Builder? No problem—our curriculum is open to everyone.
Pay It Forward
They say a rising tide raises all ships. That’s why we take a pay-it-forward approach to community building. SeeGeorgeGo provides its Builders with the financial and educational resources they need to build impactful projects with their crew. Made possible by the community of Founders, we’re creating a multi-generational cycle of creators, builders, and entrepreneurs.
Make a Difference
You don’t have to be a student or a teacher to get involved. SeeGeorgeGo was built on community; part of our mission is to keep those relationships tight. We’re completely crowdfunded, meaning anyone can work with us to make a difference. Support the SeeGeorgeGo community by becoming a Founder today.
Check out our recent projects.
Gaming Lounge
Recording Studio
All Projects

Real-world ready in a rapidly changing environment.